About Us
PhilaBasket is universally known and most preferred platform for the purchase of stamps and stamps products with 100% Genuine with at most Customer Satisfaction in the philately world. We are bringing together like-minded folk who collect Stamps, Postal History, other philatelic material, and many side lines like the history of collecting and ancestry.
We are placed in New Delhi, the capital of India Since 1995 and full members of the Philatelic Traders Society the leading professional trade body in INDIA and renowned all over the World. As such we are bound by their codes of conduct and good business practices.
That legacy and the reputation that we have earned with offering a guarantee of excellence on all our rare items and remain the only philatelists in the world to offer this assurance. Our focus is on excellent customer service with fastest dispatch of orders and excellence condition.
We invite surfers, members and anyone from anywhere who might have landed here to find some of the gems and great displays of collections .We offer the broadest selection of retail philatelic stock, with over a million stamps available to purchase like Post-Independence India Mint stamps, Miniature Sheets, Sheetlet, Full sheet, FDC, Special Covers, Indian Used Stamps, Postal History,
Albums, BoPP and many more.